Temple Shalom Preschool provides a broad range of enrichment activities that will develop your child's social and academic skills, including reading, art, music, fitness and yoga, Spanish, gardening, science and technology. Enrichment activities engage your child, motivate them to learn and develop to their full potential.
Our fitness program activities help children build stronger bones, increase strength and flexibility, reduce the risk of becoming overweight, lowers blood pressure, and helps children feel more energy and a greater sense of well-being. With the addition of yoga strategies, the children also learn the ability to calm themselves and focus on mindfulness.
This class provides the perfect blend of music, movement, rhythm and dance. It allows them to experience the joy of music while letting them do what comes naturally - to sing, move and dance, expressing themselves with their bodies and being creative, energetic and physical!
Activities provide children a world they are eager to manipulate, experiment with, and discover. Hands-on, minds-on activities build academic foundations, problem solving skills, creativity through science and technology and logical thinking. The goal is for children to experience and discover on their own, using their senses and learning through exploration.
Children develop an appreciation for art and the confidence to express their own thoughts and feelings through their creations.
Excellent reading habits begin in the early years. Introducing children to literature in preschool supports kindergarten readiness, promotes early literacy and supports a love of language and reading.
The outdoors has something more to offer than just physical benefits. Preschoolers learn much through their senses. Outside, there are many different and wonderful things for them to see, to hear, to smell, and to touch.
Songs, games, stories and hands-on activities allow children to learn Spanish in a fun and natural manner.
Students at Temple Shalom share rich Jewish learning experiences and celebrations. They sing Shabbat (Sabbath) songs along with Rabbi Ariel Boxman each Friday, celebrate holidays and learn about universal Jewish values such as sharing, acts of kindness, doing good deeds and taking care of our world.
We view gardening as a play environment in which children engage in opportunities to learn about the joys of gardening as well as about people who are passionate about the natural world.